The following chart represents a harmony of the Westminster Standards.
The summaries are the work of Dr. Jones


Go to Chapter:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33

Chapter 1

The Doctrine Of Holy Scripture

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 1

Q&A 1–5

Q&A 1–3


1. Man’s nature & purpose

1. Man’s nature & purpose

1.1 Nature & Scripture

2. Need for revelation


1.2 Books of the Bible

3. The Word of God

2. The Word of God

1.3 Apocrypha


1.4 Authority of Scripture


1.5 Witness of Scripture

4. Witness of Scripture


1.6 Sufficiency of Scripture

5. What the Scriptures teach

3. What the Scriptures teach

1.7 Clarity of Scripture


1.8 Original languages


1.9 Scriptural interpretation


1.10 Scriptural judgment


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Chapter 2

Of God And Of The Holy Trinity

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 2

Q&A 6–11

Q&A 4–6


6. Nature, Persons, and decrees of God


2.1 Nature & attributes of God

8. Only one God

7. What God is like

5. Only one God

4. What God is like

2.2 Sovereignty of God


2.3 The Holy Trinity

9. The Holy Trinity

6. The Holy Trinity


10. Personal properties of the Trinity


11. Equality of the Trinity


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Chapter 3

Of God’s Eternal Decree

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 3

Q&A 12–14

Q&A 7–8

3.1 Sovereignty of God and predestination

12. Sovereignty of God and predestination

7. Sovereignty of God and predestination

3.2 God’s foreknowledge


3.3 Election & reprobation

13. Election & reprobation


3.4 Decrees unchangeable


3.5 Election by grace


3.6 All means appointed


3.7 Reprobation because of sin


3.8 Handling the mystery of predestination


14. How God executes His decrees

8. How God executes His decrees


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Chapter 4

Of Creation

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 4

Q&A 15–17

Q&A 9–10

4.1 Six-day creation

15. Six-day creation

9. Six-day creation


16. Creation of angels


4.2 Creation of man

17. Creation of man

10. Creation of man


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Chapter 5

Of Providence

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 5

Q&A 18–19

Q&A 11

5.1 God’s works of providence

18. God’s works of providence

11. God’s works of providence

5.2 Foreknowledge


5.3. Ordinary means


5.4 Fall and sins of men and angels

19. Concerning angels


5.5 Temptations to sin


5.6 Toward the wicked


5.7 Extent of providence


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Chapter 6

Of The Fall, Of Sin, And Of The Punishment Thereof

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 6

Q&A 21–29

Q&A 13–19


24. Sin

14. Sin

6.1 The first sin

21. The first sin

13. The first sin


15. Forbidden fruit

6.2 Dead in sin

23. Sin and misery

17. Sin and misery

6.3 Imputed sin

22. Imputed sin

16. Imputed sin

6.4 Original sin & actual sins

25. Original sin & actual sins

18. Original sin & actual sins

6.5 Sin in the regenerate


26. Sin and natural generation


6.6 The guilt of sin

27. Misery of sin

19. Misery of sin


28. Punishments of sin in this world


29. Punishments of sin in the world to come


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Chapter 7

Of God’s Covenant With Man

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 7

Q&A 20, 30–35

Q&A 12, 20

7.1 Creator & creature distinction

20. Providence of God to man in the Garden

12. Providence of God to man in the Garden

7.2 Covenant of Works


7.3 Covenant of Grace

30. Covenant of Grace

20. Covenant of Grace


31. Made with Christ


32. The grace in the covenant


7.4 Testament of Christ


7.5 Different administrations

33. Different administrations


Administration under the Old Testament

34. Administration under the Old Testament


7.6 Administration under the New Testament

35. Administration under the New Testament


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Chapter 8

Of Christ The Mediator

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 8

Q&A 36–57, 68

Q&A 21–28

8.1 The Mediator


8.2 The God-Man

36. The God-Man

21. The God-Man


37. How God became man

22. How God became man


38. Why He is God


39. Why He is man


40. Why He is God & man


41. Why He is called Jesus


8.3 Office of Mediator & Surety

42. Why He is called Christ

23. Christ’s three offices


43. Office of Prophet

24. Office of Prophet

8.5 Christ’s sacrifice

44. Office of Priest

25. Office of Priest


45. Office of King

26. Office of King

8.7 Christ’s two natures


8.4 Estate of humiliation

46. Estate of humiliation

27. Estate of humiliation


47. Humiliation in birth


48. Humiliation in life


49. Humiliation in death


50. Humiliation after death


8.4 Estate of exaltation

51. Estate of exaltation

28. Estate of exaltation


52. Exalted in resurrection


53. Exalted in ascension


54. Exalted in session


55. Intercession of Christ


56. Exalted in coming again


57. Benefits of mediation


8.6 Effectual from creation

68. Effectual call of elect


8.8 Effectual application


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Chapter 9

Of Free Will

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 9

Q&A 149

Q&A 82

9.1 Natural liberty of will at creation


9.2 State of innocency: mutable will


9.3 State of sin: inability to will to do good

149. No one keeps God’s commandments perfectly

82. No one keeps God’s commandments perfectly

9.4 State of grace: imperfect ability to will to do good


9.5 State of glory: perfect ability to will to do good


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Chapter 10

Of Effectual Calling

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 10

Q&A 57–60, 66–68

Q&A 29–32


57. Benefits of Christ’s mediation


58. How we become partakers of redemption

29. How we become partakers of redemption


59. Who are partakers of redemption

30. How the Spirit applies redemption


66. Union with Christ


10.1 Effectual calling

67. Effectual calling

31. Effectual calling


68. For the elect only


10.2 By God’s grace alone


10.3 Elect infants


10.4 Christians alone saved

60. Christians alone saved


32. Benefits of effectual calling in this life


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Chapter 11

Of Justification

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 11

Q&A 70–73

Q&A 33

11.1 Imputation of Christ’s obedience & satisfaction

70. Imputation of Christ’s obedience & satisfaction

33. Imputation of Christ’s righteousness

11.2 Faith the only instrument & its relation to other graces

72. Justifying faith


73. How faith justifies


11.3 Justice and grace

71. An act of God’s grace


11.4 Decreed in eternity; applied in history


11.5 Immutability of justification & fatherly displeasure with sins


11.6 Same in OT & NT


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Chapter 12

Of Adoption

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 12

Q&A 74

Q&A 34

12.1 Benefits of adoption

74. Benefits of adoption

34. Benefits of adoption


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Chapter 13

Of Sanctification

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 13

Q&A 75, 77–78

Q&A 35–36

13.1 Personal sanctification

75. What sanctification is

35. What sanctification is

13.2 Imperfect in this life

78. Where the imperfection comes from


13.3 Progressive sanctification


77. Differences between justification & sanctification


36. Benefits of [justification, adoption, &] sanctification in this life


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Chapter 14

Of Saving Faith

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 14

Q&A 153, 72–73

Q&A 85–86


153. Requirements to escape God’s wrath & curse

85. Requirements to escape God’s wrath & curse

14.1 How saving faith is ordinarily wrought

72. Justifying faith

86. Faith in Jesus Christ

14.2 Principal acts of saving faith


73. How faith justifies the sinner


14.3 Different degrees of faith


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Chapter 15

Of Repentance Unto Life

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 15

Q&A 76

Q&A 87

15.1 Repentance ought to be preached


15.2 What repentance is

76. What repentance is

87. What repentance is

15.3 Necessity of repentance


15.4 Need for and efficacy of repentance


15.5 Repentance for particular sins


15.6 Private and public confession of sins


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Chapter 16

Of Good Works

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 16

Q&A 78


16.1 Definition of good works


16.2 Value of good works


16.3 Ability to do good works


16.4 Against Roman Catholic doctrine of works


16.5 Why good works cannot merit pardon or eternal life

78. Where the imperfection in believers’ sanctification comes from


16.6 God accepts believers’ good works


16.7 Works of the unregenerate


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Chapter 17

Of The Perseverance Of The Saints

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 17

Q&A 79


17.1 Certainty of perseverance

79. Certainty of perseverance


17.2 Where this certainty comes from


17.3 Perseverance, grievous sins, & temporal judgments


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Chapter 18

Of Assurance Of Grace And Salvation

Confession of Faith

Larger Catechism

Shorter Catechism

Chapter 18

Q&A 80–81


18.1 True believers may attain real assurance

80. True believers may attain real assurance


18.2 Such assurance is not mere conjecture but infallible


18.3 True believers may struggle with assurance yet are duty bound to seek it

81. True believers may struggle with assurance


18.4 Why true believers may have their assurance shaken and how it is revived

Why true believers may have their assurance shaken and how they are sustained


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Copyright © 2007 by Jones Graphics for DeRidder Presbyterian Church
This page was last updated 19 June 2008.